EnergySil is a specific solution for premium biogas production. It improves biogas yields per hectare of silage by optimizing the fermentation process. This improves the nutrient accessibility required for efficient biogas production.

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Product Description


EnergySil improves biogas yields per hectare of silage by optimising the fermentation process.

This improves the nutrient accessibility required for efficient biogas production.


  • Improves biogas yields from your silages
  • Optimizes the fermentation process for limited aerobic spoilages, silage nutrients and DM losses
  • Improves nutrients accessibility for biogas production
  • Adapted to the ultra-low volume application.


EnergySil can be used with Low Volume applicators.

EnergySil is supplied as water-dispersible powders for liquid application. Packaging has been designed to guarantee excellent shelf life and efficacy at farm level.

EnergySil is produced in US and UK plants to industry-leading highest quality standards.

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