Silage inoculant for legumes and grass: LALSIL PS
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Product details
LALSIL PS is the combination of a cellulolytic enzyme complex and two lactic acid bacteria. The formula converts the sugars from forage — a process improved by enzymatic hydrolysis — into lactic acid, which rapidly drops the silage pH and improves its digestibility.
LALSIL PS is designed to optimize the fermentation process, to maintain good palatability and to improve the forage digestibility in low sugar forages such as legume, mixed grass and perennial grasses with dry matter below 30%.
- Rapid drop of pH in the silo
- Rapid inhibition of Clostridia and Enterobacteria
- Better forage digestibility
- Lower dry matter loss at the ensiling phase
- Greater nutritive value
- Less energy loss
- Less protein breakdown
- Better fiber degradability
LALSIL PS is a water dispersible white powder manufactured with HC technology. The required dilution may vary depending on the intended application. Please consult your local representative before use.
LALSIL PS is available in two packaging sizes: 50g and 200g, applied at 2g/ton of fresh material.