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First Global R&D meeting in Toulouse
The experts: Lallemand Animal Nutrition Research and Development team
End January our global Research and Development team gathered in Toulouse for its global R&D meeting. Thirty people from different research facilities around the world exchanged about their current projects, expertise and discussed the future directions for innovation.
Hot topics included the use of metagenomics and metabolomics to better understand the modes of action of our probiotics on host, immunity and mycotoxins effects, deployment of the research into new products or technical messages, to name but a few. The week was rich in technical discussions, dealing with new technologies, project management, field trials organization, data analysis, and an update on regulations.
Mathieu Castex, R&D Director commented: “We are very pleased and proud of the strong commitment of our company towards research and innovation. While over the past few months, several new experts have joined the R&D team, this was a great occasion for all to get together and benefit from each other expertise and foster cooperation.”
Today, Lallemand Animal Nutrition Research and Development team is organized around six major platforms:
- The Lallemand microbial culture collection and strain screening expertise
- The microbial characterization laboratory
- The process and formulation laboratory, working in close collaboration with the yeast and bacteria production plants
- The mechanistic research group ( the Lallemand Centers of Excellence)
- The applied research and development team, coordinating in particular animal and forage trials around the world
- The corporate transversal team including an autonomous disruptive research unit based in the United States.
Published Feb 3, 2019
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