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10th International LEVUCELL SB technical meeting
From a ‘gut feeling’ to metagenomics…
The understanding of S. boulardii benefits and modes of action in swine has come a long way
The 10th International LEVUCELL SB technical meeting organized in Germany gathered around 160 swine professionals from more than 20 different countries (Germany, but also all around Europe, Asia, North and South America, South Africa and Australia).
This tenth edition was the occasion for Yannig Le Treut, a pioneer in the application of this specific live yeast in sow and piglet nutrition, to recap the story of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii CNCM I-1079 (LEVUCELL SB) modes of action and benefits in sows, from a “gut feeling” to solid science to back it up. International experts, such as Dr Jean Noblet from France and Professor Bruno Silva from Brazil, brought their contribution to swine metabolism. Once again, the swine gut microbiota was the common thread of this seminar, from the sow to the piglet, which, with the advent of the “omics” technologies, has come to a new age. As Dr Mathieu Castex, R&D Director for Lallemand Animal Nutrition, said, “the company is committed to investing more and more in the new generation omics technologies to better understand swine gut microbiota and its interactions with the host”, predicting a bright future for the probiotic yeast story!
For more information on the content of the meeting, you can download the conference report or contact us for the full proceedings.

A group of international delegates visited the swine facilities at Haus Düsse Research Center in Bad Sassendorf, North Rhine-Westphalia
Published Jul 4, 2018 | Updated May 30, 2023