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From rumen health to meat quality
Professional ruminant farming conference in Catalonia: from rumen health to meat quality
March 21st, 140 feed and ruminant professionals from around Europe, South America, Middle East and Asia attended Lallemand Professional Ruminant Farming conference in Barcelona, Spain. International speakers from France (INRA), Spain (IRTA) and Italy (University of Bologna and University of Padova) presented on the latest trends in dairy and beef management, from early detection tools to assess health and welfare risks, to the effects of herd management and feeding on beef meat quality. Presentations highlighted the key role of controlling microbial ecosystems, from forage preservation to the cow’s rumen, to optimize rumen health and function.
The conference was completed with a visit to Blanca Dairy hub, where our guests could learn about this state of the art dairy farm, education and research facilities. This was the opportunity to get a peek at Lallemand Animal Nutrition’s Research and Development strategy and the innovative research work conducted in partnership with Blanca. The event was completed with a tour of Agro Massot beef farm, in Lerida, 1,500 heads integrated beef fattening and processing farm part of Lallemand Pilot Farm network.

The speakers (from left to right): Maria Devant (IRTA), Véronique Santé-Lhoutellier (INRA), Clotilde Villot (INRA), Eric Chevaux (Lallemand), Alberto Palmonari (University of Bologna), Frederique Chaucheyras-Durand (Lallemand), Bruno Martin (Lallemand), Laurent Dussert (Lallemand), Irène Joulié (Lallemand), Professor Giulio Cozzi (University of Padova).
Laurent Dussert, Category Manager in the conference wrap-up concluded:
“Many innovations were presented today, from the lab to the field with on-farm assessment methods. Altogether, these innovations contribute to optimizing ruminant production in a holistic manner, in particular via the management of microbial ecosystems. This means not only higher yield and productivity, but takes also into account sustainability criteria such as food and feed safety, environment and animal welfare.”
Bruno Martin, Technical Manager Beef cattle with Lallemand Animal Nutrition delivered a practical approach to ruminal acidosis in fattening beef, and new trials showing the value of rumen specific live yeast. He concluded that acidosis is not only related to diet formulation and that feed delivery, drinking, and everyday farm and feeding management and environment also play a part in preserving a healthy rumen.
Stay tuned for a complete summary of the conference.
Published Mar 30, 2018 | Updated May 30, 2023