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Contributing microbiota expertise to help keep our planet healthyOn January 20, a virtual satellite of the 3R Conference was organized by the consortium, dedicated to “Understanding methane emissions in ruminants to better reduce them.” Frédérique Chaucheyras-Durand, contributed to the presentation: “Why looking at ruminal microbiota in order to reduce enteric methane emissions”.
Feb 10, 2021
Collaboration with Poultry Sense to improve efficiency of commercial trialsWe have joined forces with Agri-tech company Poultry Sense to improve the reliability and credibility of data gained from commercial farm trials. At a time when accurate data is becoming increasingly important for farmers and companies alike to drive the consistent performance of farmed livestock, this partnership demonstrates their commitment to helping the industry make […]
Jan 25, 2021
Silage for Beef Cattle Conference Moves to Free, Online-Only Webinar SeriesNebraska Extension, Lallemand Animal Nutrition and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach are hosting the third Silage for Beef Cattle Conference with one major change: this year, the event will be a series of four, hour-long free webinars held from July 7 through Aug. 4, 2020. In previous years, the conference was held near […]
Jun 19, 2020
Probiotic yeast LEVUCELL SB gets the green light in Europe for use in turkeysWe are proud to announce our live yeast probiotic LEVUCELL SB, is now authorized in the European Union as a zootechnical feed additive for turkeys and minor poultry species for meat production for the reduction of Salmonella contamination on carcasses.
Mar 4, 2020
BACTOCELL probiotic now authorized for use in pulletsLallemand Animal Nutrition announces today that its probiotic bacteria BACTOCELL - Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 (MA 18/5M) is now authorized in Europe as a zootechnical feed additive for all avian species for fattening, for laying and rearing for laying (i.e. pullets).
Feb 7, 2020