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How probiotics improve performance, keel bone health and eggshell quality in layers
A meta-analysis of 62 global trials has confirmed the significant benefits of Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 – commonly known as BACTOCELL®.
Spanning two decades, across 25 countries, the study confirms Bactocell’s dual impact on keel bone health and eggshell quality in hens.
How does Bactocell work?
Bactocell is a monogastric-specific probiotic that is proven to enhance gut health in poultry.
This supports improved resilience and performance throughout all stages of the laying cycle.
Benefits of Bactocell include:
- Reinforced gut health and immunity: Reduces bird mortality by an average of 33% compared to non-supplemented birds
- Better productivity: Increases feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 3.1% and laying rate by 2.7%
- Improved egg quality: Reduces broken egg rates by 21% on average, lowering the number of downgraded eggs
These productivity gains deliver a 10:1 return on investment for poultry producers who are feeding Bactocell.
How does Bactocell support bone health in hens?
Studies have shown that feeding 100g (10 billion CFU) of Bactocell per tonne of feed helps maintain calcium absorption and metabolism. This is required for both eggshell formation and bone health.

By promoting efficient calcium absorption, hens can sustain adequate mineral levels to promote bone mineralisation and strength, in turn preventing keel bone fractures. Keel bone damage is a common issue in layers, especially during longer laying cycles, which can have consequences on health, performance and welfare due to the resources required to manage the inflammation and pain caused.
Does Bactocell support extended laying cycles?
For poultry producers looking to extend laying cycles to 120 weeks or more, Bactocell can support metabolism, performance and gut health.

**Lallemand Animal Nutrition trials typically show this laying rate profile with long-term Bactocell
benefits through laying rate persistence.
As hens age and egg size increases, eggshell quality and bone health can become compromised due to decreasing metabolic function.
By ensuring calcium metabolism remains optimal, Bactocell helps safeguard hen welfare and productivity over prolonged cycles.
Why is Bactocell an ideal probiotic for layers?
Bactocell was specifically selected for monogastrics due to its ability to produce the L+ form of lactic acid from indigestible sugars, providing a direct energy source for birds.
This probiotic:
- Balances microbiota
- Supports intestinal maturity
- Enhances digestive efficiency
Regardless of production type or breed, studies confirm that including Bactocell in feed rations is an effective way to optimise bird health and productivity.
For more information on including Bactocell in feed rations, speak to your nutritionist or speak to one of our experts to find out more.
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Contact out teamPublished Dec 9, 2024 | Updated Dec 20, 2024
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