Driven by innovation, supported by R&D
Lallemand Animal Nutrition’s focus is on research-based products, especially proprietary strains of yeast and bacteria. Lallemand applies forward-thinking to research which results in quality-proven products with practical applications.
The Lallemand R&D team works with a network of research partners at Universities, Institutes, and companies from all over the world. Cooperation with specialists in each sector provides a powerful resource for development and knowledge.
R&D, a key driver of our business
No Lallemand product is brought to market without a substantial base of research and proof of performance. The major aims of our extensive R&D programs are:

A three-step R&D process
Our research and development process spans from discovery to customer use. We operate a three-step discovery process based on a wide array of technologies and skills, evolving toward molecular microbiology and omics techniques.
Strain screening and selection
- Functional assays
- Lallemand Aquapharm screening platform
- >12,500 strains
- Ecosystem-specific microbial collections
Strain characterization and safety
- Strain identity: whole-genome sequencing
- Antibiotic-resistant genes, presence of mobile genetic elements
- Microbial fractions characterization
- Functional properties
Development of models and methods
- Functional microarrays
- Quantitative real-time PCR
- Dynamic in vitro models
- Diverse type of biomarkers
In vitro/in vivo proof of concept
- Proof of concept animal and silage trials
Mini silos trials for forage inoculants
Production scale-up, process optimization
- Internal process optimization and scale-up team
- Internal pilot plants
- State of the art analytical tools: cytometry, cryomicroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Product stability and applicability
- Product formulation optimization
- Internal pilot feed processing unit
- Strain and matrix specific analytical methods
- Next generation microbial cell counters
In vivo efficacy assessment
- Strong collaboration network with research partners to conduct efficacy trials in all livestock species (ruminant, swine, poultry, aquaculture…), companion animals and equine.
- Dedicated large experimental bunker units for forage inoculants
Products registration
- Dedicated team of territory specific specialists for the preparation of regulatory dossiers
Modes of action investigation to strengthen product documentation
- Focus on the role of our solutions on microbial ecosystems and associated impact on animal response, such as performance, welfare, immunity, oxidative stress, metabolism etc.
- Controlled in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies to understand modes of action for strains in order to optimize and extend applications
- Application of novel biomarkers and sensors to assess products effects beyond animal performance (e.g. animal welfare)
Applied trials
- Controlled large scale trials
- Pilot farms network in ruminants, swine, poultry, and aquaculture
Development of audit tools and on-farm services
- Discover our Forward Program
Our research and development resources
Our research team is organized around six major platforms:
- The Lallemand microbial culture collection and strain screening expertise (over 2,500 yeast strains and 10,000+ bacteria strains)
- A microbial characterization laboratory
- A process and formulation laboratory
- The mechanistic research group also called Lallemand Forward Centers of Excellence
- The applied research and development team
- A corporate transversal team, including an autonomous disruptive research unit
These are based either:
- Within our in-house facilities across Europe and North America, in Montreal, Lebanon (NH, USA), Oban (Scotland), Grenaa (Denmark), Tallinn (Estonia), Malvern (UK), and Toulouse (France).
- Externally, thanks to privileged collaborative partnerships with leading research organizations worldwide, forming the Lallemand Forward Centers of Excellence.
In addition, the company nurtures a global network of partnerships with independent universities, research centers, experimental facilities, and commercial farms around the world, including long-term partnerships with over 60 institutions.
What are the Lallemand Forward Centers of Excellence?
Lallemand Animal Nutrition has developed internal platforms and established partnerships with research entities around the world to develop Centers of Excellence and satellite collaborations to Forward the development and innovation of microbial solutions.
Work at these Centers focuses on continuously documenting the biology, mode of action and benefits of existing yeast and bacteria strains dedicated to animal nutrition.
Scientists are also searching for microbial solutions and future applications to support sustainable animal production. This includes pre-competitive research projects to progress the understanding of the functioning of microbial ecosystems within livestock production systems. Particular attention is paid to the development of experimental tools, models and biomarkers.
- The Ruminant Center of Excellence in Theix, France, and satellite collaborations in Canada and Europe, dedicated to research on ruminant microbial ecosystems and product development and applications for beef, dairy, and small ruminants. The research conducted covers all aspects of the rumen and lower gut microbiota — from its establishment, its evolution, down to its function and internal or external interactions with feedstuffs or other microbes.
- The Forage Center of Excellence in Chazy, N.Y., USA, with satellite collaborations in Europe, is committed to research and development for improving forage fermentation, management, and safety. The research conducted covers silage microbial ecology, screening for new active ingredients and supporting the validation of new technologies.
- The Monogastrics Center of Excellence in Toulouse, France, and internal in vivo facilities in France are dedicated to research on digestive microbial ecosystems, and product development and applications for swine and poultry. The researchers have access to advanced OMICS technologies from the hosting institutes and research all aspects of lower gut microbiota and intestinal health. They study the complex interactions between products, the intestinal microbiota, and the host to determine their implications on animal health, performance and well-being.
- The Aquaculture satellite collaboration in Plymouth, UK, dedicated to research on mucosal response and microbial ecosystems of farmed aquatic species. The research conducted covers various aspects of intestinal health.
Our research and development partnerships
Lallemand Animal Nutrition works with key opinion leaders. Our research and development team develops partnerships with renowned universities and research centers around the world.
Privileged collaborative partnerships have been established with leading research organizations, creating Centers of Excellence to foster innovation in all areas of microbial solutions.
Lallemand Animal Nutrition continuously supports:
- Collaborative research with external partners
- Local production trials (study design, analysis, funding, etc.)
- Key scientific events
- Internships and student programs for new scientists
An important part of our research and development is conducted in partnership with our industry partners. Lallemand Animal Nutrition offers its customers continuous technical support to ensure the optimal application and efficacy of its solutions.