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Predict heat stress-related losses for all ruminants

Predict heat stress-related losses for all ruminants

Heat stress causes important losses for dairy and beef performance, which translates into important financial losses for the industry. The negative effects of heat stress on dairy cow production are well-described thanks to widely accepted equations1. The effects are less quantified when it comes to other ruminants or different farming systems. This is why our ruminant team has developed a web tool to predict the negative impact that heat stress has on milk yield and milk quality for dairy cows, milk yield for dairy sheep and goats, and growth for beef cattle.

Ruminant experts at Lallemand Animal Nutrition have designed the new prediction tool based on multiple equations to allow a comprehensive view under different global farming conditions for beef cattle and small ruminants. The new prediction tool is based on:

  • Recordings of temperature and humidity in several, strategic regions for ruminant production. Temperature and humidity are keys to measuring the environmental impact on animal performance, which is reported as the temperature and humidity index (THI). It is important to remember the impact of stress is linked to the THI level and to the duration of exposure, both in terms of the number of hours per day and the number of consecutive days exposed to heat stress.
  • Consolidation of multiple published analyses (seven publications in dairy cows) with experiences in different continents to better predict specific regional losses, including dairy ewes and goats.


This web tool is available as an interactive world map, so farmers and farm advisers have decision-making tools available at their fingertips. This can help adjust prevention programs before the summer season hits. Farm managers and technicians can now predict potential heat stress-related production losses.

Visit the landing page now!

You can also learn more about Lallemand Animal Nutrition’s multi-solutions approach to help alleviate heat stress in ruminants by visit our dedicated program page.


To find out about heat stress signs and mitigation strategies for dairy operations, watch our Lallemand Expert Talk with Dr. Nicolaas Vreeburg!


1Burgos Zimbelman R. and. Collier R.J. 2011. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, April 19 and 20, 2011.

Published Jul 7, 2022

BeefHeat StressRuminants