Aquaculture is, by far, the fastest-growing sector within animal production. This growth comes with new challenges in the area of pond water quality management and animal health. Pressure for profitable and sustainable aquaculture supports the research for acceptable solutions to optimize production in an environmentally friendly way.

How to improve aquaculture production with microbial solutions for fish and shrimp?

In aquaculture production, the management of microbial communities — both within the fish and shrimp gut and its aquatic environment — is one of the most promising areas of progress.

Specific solutions for your Success in aquaculture

As an expert in natural microbial products and service solutions, Lallemand Animal Nutrition offers a range of yeast and bacteria probiotics, environmental management (bioremediation) solutions, antioxidants, and yeast derivatives for aquaculture. Lallemand Animal Nutrition’s specific solutions safeguard the well-being and performance of farmed aquaculture species as well as support environmental quality, in a natural way. Our microbial solutions are suitable for all aquatic species including shrimp, salmon, trout, catfish, tilapia, sea bass, sea bream, and more.

The Lallemand Animal Nutrition range of products for aquaculture nutrition and production includes:

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